Sunday 1 March 2015

Masjid in Yamaguchi

Alhamadulillah, just now(2015/03/01), after isyak prayer, indonesian jamaat just move to hiroshima after around 10 days in yamaguchi. As for that, i want to show my gratitude to Allah becaused has accepted my intention in His own way. During my early stay in Japan, my intention is to build up a masjid in Yamaguchi. I'm start to learn about this effort from zero. Had met a lot of buzruk in Japan, taught me a lot to understand this effort. Started from mesyuarah with bro Nasyriq in Hiroshima about khuruj 40 days, spent 3 days during First golden week in Japan, with bro Ramdhan, bro Faruq, bro Ihsan n others. Accepted the first local jamaat in Japan. 40 days with bro Ismet. Met with maulana Umair. Met with Japanese purana sati, Aqib san, Abdul Haq, n legendary Ibrahim Okubo. Attended Japan mesyuarah. MasyaAllah. It was a great journey to become who i am now. 

When i was in Yamaguchi, alhamdulillah, after one year, Allah granted us with a musolla, provided from my university after my brother, profesor Azizul proposed for the musolla. We tried to apply for a bigger musolla. Alhamdulillah, everyone supported it, but alhamdulillah Allah did not granted us what we want. 

In the small musolla, i started my effort as much as i am able to do. Doing amal of amal masjid Nabawi in the time of Rasulullah. Jamaah prayer, taklim, daily fikr, ziarah. Not very frequently, but i had tried. 

Alhamdulillah, Allah sent one brother from egypt to Yamaguchi. Because of him, we able to pray jamaah together.( two of us). Day by day, hour by hour passed away, the situation of the musolla still the same. The numbers who came was very few. And because of that, we became very aqrab(close). MasyaAllah. If not because of him, maybe i will just pray in my room alone after awhile because of the disappointness. Alhamdulillah.

Then, i am started to think, there is no need to build a masjid in Ube. I am afraid of no one will come to the masjid. In yamaguchi, the buildings are the cheapest in Japan  i think. So, after had a long muzakarah n fikr, i decided to neglect my intention to build a masjid in my place and started to focus on encourage muslim in my place to come for jamaah prayer. I copied the style of most masjid in Japan. How to pray jamaah in Japan.

MasyaAllah, i had tried, although it was just a 'chuuto hanpa' job. I mean not very serious. But then, after a while, Allah sent two dakwat jamaat to my place. I tried my best to nusrah( help) them. I am not good in Dakwat. I have a lot of mistakes and sins. So, the only things i can do is by giving nusrah to them. 

I tried to bring them to meet every muslim in Yamaguchi. From onoda to Tokuyama. MasyaAllah, there were some places they stayed and did the amals, i can see a lot of changes. The local brothers here, From did not pray, they already prayed now. N not just that, masyaAllah tabarakallah, Allah did not forget about my first doa n intention, to have a masjid in Yamaguchi. By these brother (local brothers) agreement, they(local brother) decided to infaq one of their room to be official musolla. Not only in one place, but two places!!! No, no, not two but three places!!!. MasyaAllah.  When, my last visit to one of the musolla, the brothers there started to ask me to buy for them 'SUNNAH THINGS'. Siwak, jubah( cloth of Rasulullah saw), perfume, turban. InsyaAllah, i will try to help them practice sunnah.
Al-Muhajirin, Onoda, Yamaguchi.

Al-hidayah, Shunnan, Yamaguchi

MasyaAllah, it is true, by the power of fikr, everything can be done by Allah. I had tried to do everything to fulfill my intention at first, but when i started to humble myself, Allah build up three musolla without need my effort at all. MasyaAllah. 

Just by having a right intention, We came to japan for the sake of dakwah, InsyaAllah Allah will give hidayat to all japanese.

May the musolla and amal in this musolla will remain all the time. May Allah reward me with big reward.

Effort on Iman n Amal.

1 comment:

  1. السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُاللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

    Could I know where is the Masjid in Yamaguchi? I stay at sanyo onoda. Thank you
