Wednesday 4 March 2015

Story of beard(janggut)

Once i read a true story( insyaAllah), it was about what happened in Medina. During hajj season(if i was not mistaken), all of our scholars all around the world will come to Medina to visit the grave of Rasulullah saw. During that time, there will be a lot people came to shake their hands with those scholars. Then, there was a guy with shaved beard came to one of the scholars, Maulana Talhah, very wara' scholar, to shake his hand. Instead of getting a warm shake hands, he got a slap from the ulama. "Because you shave your beard, you already shave the heart of Nabi saw." Maulana Talhah said to this guy.

What we can understand from the story, it is true our imaan are very weak and sometimes we fill embarassed to follow the sunnah of Nabi saw, but please my dear brother, just for once, lets follow Nabi saw. Because islam is true deen, Nabi saw is the true messenger, then all the sunnah of Nabi saw is the true successfull.

If we can not have a long beard, please do not condemn those who save his long beard, because the truth is, in the eye of Allah and Nabi saw, Allah blessing is upon him and Nabi saw are smiling looking at him. And we suppose to cry and seek forgiveness from Allah because of our weakness to follow Nabi saw.

If cannot follow all, do not leave all!!!

Leave some beard, and never shave it all.!!!

About the term that been used, syeikh, maulana, ustaz, habib. Generally, it almost same which referring to scholar that masterring Islam teaching and have the soul of practicer. Mostly, habib is scholars that having education in Yaman and has blood relation to Nabi saw. maulana is showing that scholar from India, pakistan, or bangladesh. While syeikh is mostly from egypt and ustaz is from nusantara. 

However, from my experience, there is level in referring to any scholars whether he is a habib or maulana or syeikh or ustaz.

Effort on Iman and Amal.

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