Tuesday 10 March 2015

A tribute For my best Egyptian pal

Last few days, my egyptian friend, Asyraf just went to Timor Leste for his phd research. I made this entry as a tribute for him, because he is my bestfriend in Ube. 

The doa that i made for over one year, were answered by Allah  by sent him to me. " O Allah, please send to me a friend who can support me, so that i will never give up in my task. If for prophet Musa as, you had sent prophet Harun as. For Rasulullah saw, you had sent Abu Bakar ra. Please grant me with somebody here o Allah". I had repeated the almost same doa again and again. At first, when i met him, i didn't considered him as someone who was sent by Allah for me based on my Doa. But after one year with him, and during the moment i need to say goodbye to him, i came to realize that he is the one. For over one year, until the last day in Ube, he was the one who stay with me, pray with me.  

As i can remember, he the only one who i can mad with, i can sulk with, i can made unsatisfied face with. There are so much things, that i angry about him. But, he never made angry with me. Not even once. Yeah!! Of course, arabic(egyptian) peoples are a very stuborn  and tough person, but it is different with angry. I can see very clearly the stuborn character inside him, but someone should not jump into a conclusion, until he really become so close with someone he want to know. As for Asyraf, if you come his room just for once, you will feel like you are in a castle. 5 star servis. Tiptop. Although, the food is just a comb of banana. Subhanallah, even for myself, if i had a guest, honestly, i am not capable of that. 
My weakness, may Allah forgive me. 

Once, i asked him, " do you ever mad at me??" What did he replied," i never mad at you. you are my brother."

And you know, most of time i am with him, the only things that he said again and again, was how much he grateful to Allah, because Allah give him a very nice brothers. Every time, i heard about that, my heart became sobbed, i just want to cry. At that time, i always hoped if he just referred to me, but no, he was talking about everyone(muslims) in Ube. Everythings that came out from his mouth was from his heart. You can see his face expression.

Although in a very hard situation, he still can say a good things about us here. As i know the real situation, how someone had treated him. If i were in his situation, maybe for sure i will 'waruguchi' to others.

Everytime, i asked him for something, to accompanied me or something else, he will never declined my request although he was in busy situation. What he said," i can not say 'no' to you."
O Allah, what i had done to him. Forgive me o Allah.

In recent situation, his scholarship was almost finish(this march). His financial per month, was about 140,000 yen. 80,000 from the scholarship, and 60,000 from the part time job. Almost everyday, he went to his part time job by bicycle, which 10km from the university, at 5:00 am everyday. With no experience ride bicycle in egypt, he had to climb hill everyday. On weekends, he used to work from morning to evening. 

Starting from next month, he will just has 60,000 yen to survive his life n study in Japan. 

Easy for some of us to just put a blame on him, 
"why did he came to Japan in the first place? Why not continued his study in egypt??"
"It is more than enough to survive in Ube with that amount of money."
And more..

i became emotional when i heard someone talked about Asyraf like that, we did not try to put ourselve in his position. He had family. Politic situation in Egypt. His age. Not so many of us considering all that, we, alhamdulillah got the full scholarship, athough it is not worthy for us to have it.

Once i asked him, if we try to get him a place to stay, and he just need to pay some money for bills, will he accept our help, he replied," .....i do not want to bother my brothers.." 

That is the only his thinking, even he is in trouble, he do not want to trouble us. Yet, he still grateful to Allah for grant him with Malaysian, indonesian brothes and sisters, even for the last day before he went to Timor Leste.

O Allah, what we had done. We neglected our brother, who is very nice to us. Never had any grudge towards us. Please forgive us for our weakness.
This is only my view. May Allah forgive me.

Effort on Imaan and Amaal

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