Tuesday 10 March 2015

A tribute For my best Egyptian pal

Last few days, my egyptian friend, Asyraf just went to Timor Leste for his phd research. I made this entry as a tribute for him, because he is my bestfriend in Ube. 

The doa that i made for over one year, were answered by Allah  by sent him to me. " O Allah, please send to me a friend who can support me, so that i will never give up in my task. If for prophet Musa as, you had sent prophet Harun as. For Rasulullah saw, you had sent Abu Bakar ra. Please grant me with somebody here o Allah". I had repeated the almost same doa again and again. At first, when i met him, i didn't considered him as someone who was sent by Allah for me based on my Doa. But after one year with him, and during the moment i need to say goodbye to him, i came to realize that he is the one. For over one year, until the last day in Ube, he was the one who stay with me, pray with me.  

As i can remember, he the only one who i can mad with, i can sulk with, i can made unsatisfied face with. There are so much things, that i angry about him. But, he never made angry with me. Not even once. Yeah!! Of course, arabic(egyptian) peoples are a very stuborn  and tough person, but it is different with angry. I can see very clearly the stuborn character inside him, but someone should not jump into a conclusion, until he really become so close with someone he want to know. As for Asyraf, if you come his room just for once, you will feel like you are in a castle. 5 star servis. Tiptop. Although, the food is just a comb of banana. Subhanallah, even for myself, if i had a guest, honestly, i am not capable of that. 
My weakness, may Allah forgive me. 

Once, i asked him, " do you ever mad at me??" What did he replied," i never mad at you. you are my brother."

And you know, most of time i am with him, the only things that he said again and again, was how much he grateful to Allah, because Allah give him a very nice brothers. Every time, i heard about that, my heart became sobbed, i just want to cry. At that time, i always hoped if he just referred to me, but no, he was talking about everyone(muslims) in Ube. Everythings that came out from his mouth was from his heart. You can see his face expression.

Although in a very hard situation, he still can say a good things about us here. As i know the real situation, how someone had treated him. If i were in his situation, maybe for sure i will 'waruguchi' to others.

Everytime, i asked him for something, to accompanied me or something else, he will never declined my request although he was in busy situation. What he said," i can not say 'no' to you."
O Allah, what i had done to him. Forgive me o Allah.

In recent situation, his scholarship was almost finish(this march). His financial per month, was about 140,000 yen. 80,000 from the scholarship, and 60,000 from the part time job. Almost everyday, he went to his part time job by bicycle, which 10km from the university, at 5:00 am everyday. With no experience ride bicycle in egypt, he had to climb hill everyday. On weekends, he used to work from morning to evening. 

Starting from next month, he will just has 60,000 yen to survive his life n study in Japan. 

Easy for some of us to just put a blame on him, 
"why did he came to Japan in the first place? Why not continued his study in egypt??"
"It is more than enough to survive in Ube with that amount of money."
And more..

i became emotional when i heard someone talked about Asyraf like that, we did not try to put ourselve in his position. He had family. Politic situation in Egypt. His age. Not so many of us considering all that, we, alhamdulillah got the full scholarship, athough it is not worthy for us to have it.

Once i asked him, if we try to get him a place to stay, and he just need to pay some money for bills, will he accept our help, he replied," .....i do not want to bother my brothers.." 

That is the only his thinking, even he is in trouble, he do not want to trouble us. Yet, he still grateful to Allah for grant him with Malaysian, indonesian brothes and sisters, even for the last day before he went to Timor Leste.

O Allah, what we had done. We neglected our brother, who is very nice to us. Never had any grudge towards us. Please forgive us for our weakness.
This is only my view. May Allah forgive me.

Effort on Imaan and Amaal

Thursday 5 March 2015

Kalam Iman

Ulama menyarankan untuk membicarakan perkara2 membesarkan Allah, perkara iman, sekurang-kurangnya 25 kali sehari dan itupun hanyalah memantapkan dan meneguhkan iman sedikit sekali.

Allah mencipta, memelihara, dan memberi rezeki,
Apa yang nampak dan yang tak nampak berasal dari khazanah Allah,
Allah mencipta mengikut kudrat dan iradat Allah,
Allah mencipta tidak memerlukan bantuan makhluk,
Makhluk tidak boleh memberi manfaat dan mudharat kecuali dengan izin Allah.

Masjid di Nagano. Masjid adalah tempat menumbuhkan iman dan amal.

Allah adalah zat yang mencipta segalanya, baik di langit mahupun di bumi, malaikat, jin, syurga, neraka dan segalanya selain dari Allah.

Allah adalah zat yang memelihara akan segala apa yang dicipta. Allah memelihara lautan supaya tenang, Allah memelihara deruan angin supaya damai, Allah memelihara jantung manusia supaya berdegup dengan sekata, Allah memelihara putaran n pusingn bulan bintang. Seandainya Allah tidak bersifat dengan pemelihara, pasti dunia akan kacau bilau, bumi, lautan, bulan, bintang membawa haluan masing2, bersengkata antara satu sama lain sebagai mana manusia dan jin bersengketa dek sedikit kebebasa  yng dikurniakan

Allah memberi rezeki kepada setiap makhluknya, malaikat, jin, manusia, haiwan, tumbuhan. Saat Allah berhenti memberikan rezeki kepada mana2 makhluknya, sampailah ajalnya. Pasti!!!!

Apa yang mampu dilihat dengan mata kasar, manusia, bangunan, bulan, duit, makanan adalh dari khazanah Allah. Begitu jugak apa yang tidak pernah dilihat juga dri Allah. Malaikat jibrail dengan 600 sayap yang satu sayap sahaja sudah menutupi timur dan barat, malaikat israfil yang seluruh dunia ini sahaja pun sudah berada di hadapan sangkekalanya, betapa besarnya akan peniup sangkekala itu sendiri; maka ini juga dari khazanah Allah. Begitu juga, nikmat2 dalam syurga, ianya dari khazanhnya Allah.

Allah mencipta mengikut kudrat dan iradatNya. Kemampuan dan keinginannya Allah.  Tidak gugur satu helai daun di hutan belantara, kecuali dengan kuasa dan keinginan Allah. Tidak akan berlaku sesuatu kecuali dengan kudrat dan iradat Allah. 

Allah mencipta dan mentadbir sesuatu tanpa perlukan sedikit pun bantuan makhluk. Allah mencipta sesuatu dari nothing to something. Manusia mencipta sesuatu from something to something. Manusia mencipta kapal dari logam yang sedia ada di bumi, hanya dirubah bentuk dan hanya perlu diproses, sedangkan Allah sendiri mencipta logam tanpa ada sesuatu sebelum logam. Allah mencipta dengan diriNya sendiri, sedangkan manusia mencipta wajib memerlukan bantuan lain.

Makhluk tidak boleh memberi manfaat dan mudharat kecuali dengan izin Allah.
Contoh Api:
Api adalah makhluk Allah,
Api hendak mnjadi panas berhajat kepada Allah,
Allah hendak menjadikan panas tidak berhajat kepada Api
Apabila Allah berkehendak api menjadi panas, ianya akan jadi panas dan
Apabila Allah tidak berkehendak Api menjadi panas, ianya tidak akan menjadi panas.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Agar agar santan

Assalamualaikum semua, 
Iman macam mana?? Sihat??
Alhamdulillah, beberapa ari yang lalu saya ada buat agar2 santan. Menu ni termasuk dalam rangka nak menghabiskan stok2 makanan sebelum pulang ke Malaysia. Ada banyak lagi menu yang saya nak buat, terutama kuih2 sebab macam2 yang still ada, tepung beras, kacang hijau, ikan bilis dan macam2 lagi. Sebenarnya ni first time saya buat agar2 santan ni, dan ni memang antara kuih feveret. Lebih2 lgi kalau yang versi gula melaka tu. Warna coklat.

Bila saya habaq kat isteri saya, dia tiba2 jealous, sbb dia kata yang dia pernah buat tapi tak menjadi. Tak jadi duit lapis pun. Huhu..oklah terus kepada resepi. Mengikut apa yang saya baca dari blog2 otai2 masakan, saya perasan yang sebenarnya ada dua kaedah yang boleh digunakan pakai. 

Pertama: santan disatukan terus, nnti jadi 2 lapis dengan sendirinya.
Kedua: buat 2 adunan yang berbeza. Bersantan dengan tidak bersantan.

Saya buat yang cara pertama:
Nnti insyaAllah nk try cara kedua kat Malaysia pulak.:)

Resepi:Agar agar santan
1 pek serbuk agar2(saya pakai yang siap kaler merah)
Daun pandan(saya pakai 1 jer)
Gula (ikut kesukaan hati untuk kuantitinya)
800 ml air
200 ml santan pekat
Garam(Setengah sudu teh)

1. Campur semua bahan kecuali santan dan garam. Biarkan mendidih.
2.masukkan santan dan garam. Biarkan mendidih lebih lama.
3. Masukkan dalam acuan dan biarkan sejuk. InsyaAllah terhasil dengan sendiri 2 lapisan itu. Santan akan timbul ke permukaan

Reminder: ni hipotesis saya kalau ada yang tak jadi dua lapis. Santan tak pekat dan bercampur air, sebb tu kena didihkan lama untuk evaporatekan air dalam santan dan supaya density santan akan menyebtkn ianya timbul.

Tapi satu jer kalu pakai kaedah ni, santan akan jadi nipis lapisannya, mcm saya punya, sbb hanya santan yang pekat akan timbul. Kalau nk tebal, santan kena banyak.

Story of beard(janggut)

Once i read a true story( insyaAllah), it was about what happened in Medina. During hajj season(if i was not mistaken), all of our scholars all around the world will come to Medina to visit the grave of Rasulullah saw. During that time, there will be a lot people came to shake their hands with those scholars. Then, there was a guy with shaved beard came to one of the scholars, Maulana Talhah, very wara' scholar, to shake his hand. Instead of getting a warm shake hands, he got a slap from the ulama. "Because you shave your beard, you already shave the heart of Nabi saw." Maulana Talhah said to this guy.

What we can understand from the story, it is true our imaan are very weak and sometimes we fill embarassed to follow the sunnah of Nabi saw, but please my dear brother, just for once, lets follow Nabi saw. Because islam is true deen, Nabi saw is the true messenger, then all the sunnah of Nabi saw is the true successfull.

If we can not have a long beard, please do not condemn those who save his long beard, because the truth is, in the eye of Allah and Nabi saw, Allah blessing is upon him and Nabi saw are smiling looking at him. And we suppose to cry and seek forgiveness from Allah because of our weakness to follow Nabi saw.

If cannot follow all, do not leave all!!!

Leave some beard, and never shave it all.!!!

About the term that been used, syeikh, maulana, ustaz, habib. Generally, it almost same which referring to scholar that masterring Islam teaching and have the soul of practicer. Mostly, habib is scholars that having education in Yaman and has blood relation to Nabi saw. maulana is showing that scholar from India, pakistan, or bangladesh. While syeikh is mostly from egypt and ustaz is from nusantara. 

However, from my experience, there is level in referring to any scholars whether he is a habib or maulana or syeikh or ustaz.

Effort on Iman and Amal.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Masjid in Yamaguchi

Alhamadulillah, just now(2015/03/01), after isyak prayer, indonesian jamaat just move to hiroshima after around 10 days in yamaguchi. As for that, i want to show my gratitude to Allah becaused has accepted my intention in His own way. During my early stay in Japan, my intention is to build up a masjid in Yamaguchi. I'm start to learn about this effort from zero. Had met a lot of buzruk in Japan, taught me a lot to understand this effort. Started from mesyuarah with bro Nasyriq in Hiroshima about khuruj 40 days, spent 3 days during First golden week in Japan, with bro Ramdhan, bro Faruq, bro Ihsan n others. Accepted the first local jamaat in Japan. 40 days with bro Ismet. Met with maulana Umair. Met with Japanese purana sati, Aqib san, Abdul Haq, n legendary Ibrahim Okubo. Attended Japan mesyuarah. MasyaAllah. It was a great journey to become who i am now. 

When i was in Yamaguchi, alhamdulillah, after one year, Allah granted us with a musolla, provided from my university after my brother, profesor Azizul proposed for the musolla. We tried to apply for a bigger musolla. Alhamdulillah, everyone supported it, but alhamdulillah Allah did not granted us what we want. 

In the small musolla, i started my effort as much as i am able to do. Doing amal of amal masjid Nabawi in the time of Rasulullah. Jamaah prayer, taklim, daily fikr, ziarah. Not very frequently, but i had tried. 

Alhamdulillah, Allah sent one brother from egypt to Yamaguchi. Because of him, we able to pray jamaah together.( two of us). Day by day, hour by hour passed away, the situation of the musolla still the same. The numbers who came was very few. And because of that, we became very aqrab(close). MasyaAllah. If not because of him, maybe i will just pray in my room alone after awhile because of the disappointness. Alhamdulillah.

Then, i am started to think, there is no need to build a masjid in Ube. I am afraid of no one will come to the masjid. In yamaguchi, the buildings are the cheapest in Japan  i think. So, after had a long muzakarah n fikr, i decided to neglect my intention to build a masjid in my place and started to focus on encourage muslim in my place to come for jamaah prayer. I copied the style of most masjid in Japan. How to pray jamaah in Japan.

MasyaAllah, i had tried, although it was just a 'chuuto hanpa' job. I mean not very serious. But then, after a while, Allah sent two dakwat jamaat to my place. I tried my best to nusrah( help) them. I am not good in Dakwat. I have a lot of mistakes and sins. So, the only things i can do is by giving nusrah to them. 

I tried to bring them to meet every muslim in Yamaguchi. From onoda to Tokuyama. MasyaAllah, there were some places they stayed and did the amals, i can see a lot of changes. The local brothers here, From did not pray, they already prayed now. N not just that, masyaAllah tabarakallah, Allah did not forget about my first doa n intention, to have a masjid in Yamaguchi. By these brother (local brothers) agreement, they(local brother) decided to infaq one of their room to be official musolla. Not only in one place, but two places!!! No, no, not two but three places!!!. MasyaAllah.  When, my last visit to one of the musolla, the brothers there started to ask me to buy for them 'SUNNAH THINGS'. Siwak, jubah( cloth of Rasulullah saw), perfume, turban. InsyaAllah, i will try to help them practice sunnah.
Al-Muhajirin, Onoda, Yamaguchi.

Al-hidayah, Shunnan, Yamaguchi

MasyaAllah, it is true, by the power of fikr, everything can be done by Allah. I had tried to do everything to fulfill my intention at first, but when i started to humble myself, Allah build up three musolla without need my effort at all. MasyaAllah. 

Just by having a right intention, We came to japan for the sake of dakwah, InsyaAllah Allah will give hidayat to all japanese.

May the musolla and amal in this musolla will remain all the time. May Allah reward me with big reward.

Effort on Iman n Amal.